Ask a high school student about the internet and you get hundreds of answers in a matter of a second. Just like when you search or “google” something on the web, thousands of related topics in a matter of a second.
But, really, is it really that easy to look for information over the web? Just a few clicks of t
Indeed, it is really easy if you know the tips and tricks on browsing over the internet. It may seem difficult at first, but when you get your hands to it, everything is not what it seems.
Ms. Katrina Stuart-Santiago discussed some tips and tricks when browsing for information on the web.
• credibility of the writer or organization
• date of creation or revision of the article you are reading
• purpose of the information and of the content
• be critical of the language, tone and opinion of the writer
• start with a keyword then narrow down your search with a more specific word of what you are looking for
And there, you go. As what Ms. Santiago said, “Get over the fear of online research!”
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